What should real estate agents post on Facebook?
People interact with their favorite brands on Facebook far more than on any other social network, according to a recent study of online consumer behavior. So, it is no secret, that as a real estate agent you must make social media a fundamental element in your business marketing plan. But what exactly should your posts focus on? Listings, open houses, photos, the community, YOU?
There is a delicate balance between emphasizing property listings and over-selling and brazen self-promotion. While this in your face marketing strategy will work on your website, Facebook is a different animal. Your Facebook strategy should be about generating conversations. It helps to inform, engage, and entertain without selling anything. If you provide good content in your updates, people will like, share and comment.
Social media has definitely become the wave of the future for real estate marketing. And being good with social media is one thing, but learning to be savvy, smart and differentiated is another. Below are the first 5 of 10 Facebook guidelines for real estate agents and brokers.
1. Promote Your Content
Facebook is no longer a chronological river of posts — you can opt to draw more attention to a single post by “highlighting” it. Highlight your hot new listing or latest sold property by selecting the star icon on the top right corner of any post on your Timeline. Doing so displays your update across the width of your page, giving more weight to key news.
Also take advantage of the “Pin to Top” option on your Brand Timeline. Start with one post per week to extend the life of important content. When you pin something onto the timeline, it not only becomes larger but it also becomes the first item within the Timeline itself.
2. Have good photos and detailed captions
People love good visuals. If the photos posted on a realtor’s Facebook Page are not appealing, they house they’re selling probably won’t be, either. What’s more, instead of simply posting photos of a home, use the caption portion of a photo to sell the home.
Is the home great for a family looking for a place near an elementary school? Are the carpets new? Is there a big, fenced-in yard for pets to run around in? The more information and specific details about a home the realtor can provide a prospective buyer, the better. This will save a real estate agent time, effort and energy as the genuinely interested buyers pop up after seeing your property online.
3. Brand your homes and recognize a target client
Take advantage of the ‘About Me’ portion of your Business’s Facebook Page. Rather than keeping it bare bones, realtors need to use the section to be honest, describe their niche homes and what homes are most appealing to them to sell.
Is working with families to help them find the perfect family home appealing? Are homes that need a little love charming? Are modest to luxury condos and apartments an area of expertise? If a potential buyer reads that your style of home matches or is similar to theirs that they’re looking for, the selling pitch becomes that much easier on an agent.
Moreover, it’s difficult to sell and appeal to a broad audience in a largely varied market. Therefore, the most effective approach to any marketing strategy is to find a target.
4. Do Ask Questions and Involve Your Fans
Want your fans to express their views on a topic? Ask them. Want your fans to share their favorite content with you? Ask them. Want your fans to share your content? Ask them. Want to… You get the point.
Often, it’s best to do this through photos. For example, post an outrageous listing photo and ask for a caption, post photo of a home that is currently on the market and ask for fans to guess the price, or, simply, post an interior photo of a room and ask fans to post their favorite thing about the space.
5. Be Human
Thank your fans for their replies and for sharing their opinions with you. From time to time, talk about things other than your services. Wish them happy holidays. Ask them fun questions or to share their personal stories. This makes you memorable and more personable.